Linking strategy to operations
Strategy is a description for how to do things within an organization. In the end the strategy intends to create value for its shareholders and customers. We all know that many organizations fails strategically not just because they do not have a clear strategy but more commonly because of bad execution often because the lack of strong linkage between strategy and operations.
Assesssment towards EFQM model
EFQM-model to assess your company
The result of the assessment will give you insight into the current state of tyour organization in terms of Strategy, Culture, Stakeholders like People, Customers, Society, Business & Governance, Partners & Suppliers, Creating Sustainable Value, Transformation&Performance and Business results. You will achieve a report for the level of achievement and performance of the organization. There will also be an opportunity for you to compare with the best in the world through the large EFQM-network. To conduct an Assessment of your organization is also the first step to prepare for international recognintion.
our focus
Business Process Improvement
Why improve a business process? Companies embark on process improvement initiatives for a number of reasons, but the goals of process improvement are always the same:
- To better serve customers
- To improve your ability to anticipate, manage and respond to changes in the marketplace
- To understand your Business & Process Capability
- To maximize business opportunities
- To reduce inefficiencies, errors and reduce cost.

Once your organization begins to improve the way it does business it can realize the benefits available from efficient and streamlined processes. Niblom can assist your organization to identify issues and improve your processes, thereby maximizing your prospects for superior performance and above-average returns.
Niblom can help in implementing the business process improvement lifecycle which has five distinct steps both for existing and new processes:
- CustomerNeeds
- Identify/Map business processes
- Improve the process
- Control (Performing ongoing process management)
Quality Management Systems
Business Challenges
Change Management
Effective Change Mangement is difficult to do but absolutley feasible with the right approach. Change Mangement starts with Undertstanding the Business Challenges and the Culture of the organization. After this analysis you need to organize an plan the change.
It’s necessary to use Project Mangement for efficient implementation, which will work as the support structure for the Change project. Typically you also need to identify skills and competencies that will needed in the new environment you’re striving to meet. Communication is also essential for the change to succeed. Communicate at all levels, it’s difficult to do to much of communication. Clerly measure progress of the change and align it to Business goals.

Achieve goals
Project Manadgment
Project management is the process of leading the work of a team to achieve goals and meet success criteria at a specified time. The primary challenge of project management is to achieve all of the project goals within the given constraints.
25 years experience
Our coaching services are based on 25 years of experience working with global leaders , high level leaders of large and medium sized companies in numerous countries all over the world.
In general, we focus on the strategic leadership and the impact of behavior for the culture of the organization, the transfer of relevant aspects of adequate situations and up to date leadership behavior and – as the basis – the analysis of the individual leadership style and opportunities for improvement to meet future needs. We define our services as leadership and strategy coaching – we are not delivering in-depth psychological analysis, but solutions to strategy related question while at the same time strongly taking the “human factor” into account. We’re oriented towards the future and towards opportunities, not to the past and the problem.
There are different type of audits process, product and system. We perform system and process audits
ASQ definition
First-party audit
Conducted by auditors who are employed by the organization being audited but who have no vested interest in the audit results of the area being audited.
First-party audit
Performed within an organization to measure its strengths and weaknesses against its own procedures or methods and/or against external standards adopted by (voluntary) or imposed on (mandatory) the organization.
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Second-party audit
External audit performed on a supplier by a customer or by a contracted organization on behalf of a customer.
Second-party audit
Second-party audits are subject to the rules of contract law, as they are providing contractual direction from the customer to the supplier. Second-party audits tend to be more formal than first-party audits because audit results could influence the customer’s purchasing decisions.
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